1982. 09. 13


角色介紹 (Role):  
珮珊飾 - 朱秀媚
其他演員 (Other actors):  
故事簡介/分集劇情 (Storyline):  
《故事簡介 Storyline》
劇集截圖 (Picture):  
【 1  】
經典重溫 (Video clips):   
1. 《秀媚初遇明月》 2. 《秀媚救明月》
3. 《秀媚幫助明月》 4. 《大志喜歡明月》
5. 《秀媚明月談天》 6. 《秀媚呷醋》
7. 《秀媚探望明月》  
全套10 集 Full version online

     ~~ 感謝小石頭提供視頻 ~~

相關資料 (Other Information):
觀後感 (Comment):

各位珊迷如果也想說說,可到 論壇 發表一下個人感想。

Many people said Pui Shan and Liza lookalike. After watched this drama, I have to deny this statement. Pui Shan is gorgeous who will turn your gaze. Liza is comeliness. They are completely different. Try to find the difference in such clips.
If you want to discuss this drama, please visit our Forum to share your feelings.

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