1975. 12. 15


角色介紹 (Role):  
珮珊飾 - 舒媚(三妹) 
其他演員 (Other actors):  
李影演大家姐(eldest),張亞美演二家姐(second sister),馮淬帆,吳元俊
故事簡介/分集劇情 (Storyline):  


Takes over Gigi Wong's Theatre on Tuesday, Ch.8 at 9.05p.m. A 15-episode serial produced by Hong Kong Rediffusion and backed by a large cast, the story tells how a broken marriage of a music composer, Shue Min Chi, affects the lives of his three grown daughters and a young son. Torn between her lover for her family and her boyfriend, Shue Chen, the eldest daughter who works as a new reporter, gives up marriage to remain a spinster. Shue Mei, youngest daughter, a lively girl with a strong personality, lands herself in trouble when she falls in love with a playboy, Yau Ee Poh. Encouraged by a schoolteacher, she manages to pull herself together to live her life afresh again. The cast includes Lee Ying as the eldest daughter (centre, of My Hometown fame), Chang Ern Mei as number two (right, from The Mother), and third daughter Ow-yeong Pei San (left). With English subtitles.

劇集截圖 (Picture):  

經典重溫 (Video clips):   
相關資料 (Other Information):
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